
About Us

Our Story

Our Story

Building a Brighter, Better, Bolder Future for All through Solar Energy

Pakistan loses billions of dollars every year because of power problems and degradation of the environment. The crisis not only affects your productivity and peace but also leaves you dependent on unpredictable and unforgiving market forces. We are committed to change that. 

Luminex Power is a passion project created with a clear mission: to reap the benefits of the sun’s abundant energy and use it to create autonomous, empowered, independent lives. We have one goal — to liberate you, giving you complete control over your power production and consumption. 

An opportunity is at hand — a future where you are in control and have the power to change millions of lives through mindful, responsible energy consumption.

Our Values


We believe in giving you the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions, putting the power of a sustainable future right in your hands.


We care about you, and we're here to actively listen and provide tailored solutions that align perfectly with your unique energy needs.


From our expert installations to our dedicated customer support, we're committed to delivering nothing less than the best solar solutions.

Our Mission

Peak Freedom. Pristine Environment. Peace of Mind. 

Our mission is to empower you and charge your freedom by harnessing the boundless potential of clean solar energy. We aim to make the sun’s dependable, cost-effective energy source available to everyone, paving the way for a brighter future that you can call your own.

Message From CEO

At Luminex, we are committed to empower lives through sustainable energy. Together, we're rewriting the future—where you control your own peace and prestige. Join us, and be a force for the green revolution, as we illuminate the path toward a brighter, better world.

Our Expert Team

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Juan George​

Vice President

Sean Hart

Project Leader

Emma Kelly

Creative Director

Get Power that Brings You Peace.

Take control of your power, feel the calm of green energy.

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