

On Grid

On-Grid Solar Solution

Discover the Power of Connection

Our On-Grid Solar Solution is your gateway to harnessing the full potential of solar energy while staying connected to the grid. It’s the perfect choice if you want to maximize your energy production and contribute to a sustainable future.

With our On-Grid Solar Solution, you not only reduce your energy bills but also play a crucial role in promoting clean energy adoption within your community. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the planet.

What You Get

Off-Grid Solar Solution

Independence at its Best

Our Off-Grid Solar Solution is all about self-sufficiency. If you’re looking to break free from the constraints of the conventional power grid and enjoy complete energy independence, this solution is tailor-made for you.

With our Off-Grid Solar Solution, you’re in control of your power production and consumption. Say goodbye to power outages and hello to a life powered by the sun.

What You Get

Off Grid
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Hybrid Solar Solution

The Best of Both Worlds

Our Hybrid Solar Solution offers the perfect balance between grid-connected convenience and off-grid independence. It’s the ideal choice if you want to enjoy the benefits of both worlds while minimizing your environmental footprint.

With our Hybrid Solar Solution, you have the flexibility to adapt to changing energy needs and environmental conditions. It’s a smart choice that ensures you’re always in control.

What You Get

Residential Packages

Let Us Solve All Your Energy Problems.

At Luminex, we have the best problem solvers in the solar industry.

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